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Janel Niceswanger

It is with great honor and deepest respect that the Professional Photographers of Iowa presented the Professional Photographers of America National Service Award at Winter Convention for 2024 to Janel Niceswanger.

Past National Award Recipients

2024 Janel Niceswanger

2023 Dennis Fraise
2022 Michelle Sohn, M. Photog, PH.A., CPP
2021 Suzanne Fischer, M.Photog.Cr., Ph.A.                           

2020 Jean Poland, 
M.Photog.Cr., Ph.A. CPP
2019 Uldis "Whitey" Ilvess, M.Photog.Cr., Ph.A
2018 Larry Erickson, M.Photog.Cr., Ph.A

2017 Toni Johnson-Harryman, M.Photog.Cr., Ph.A., CPP
2016 Aletha Speakar
2015 John Mohr, M.Photog.Cr., Ph.A.
2014 Steve Kelly, Cr., Ph.A.
2013 Wes Siebe, M.Photog.Cr., Ph.A.
2012 Barb Grabill, M.Photog.Cr., Ph.A.
2011 Eric Niceswanger, M.Photog.Cr., Ph.A. CPP
2010 Sari Hawkins
2009 Jon Read, M.Photog.Cr., Ph.A., CPP
2008 Dick Christian
2007 Bruce Belling, M.Photog.Cr., Ph.A., CPP
2006 Gary Sterling, M.Photog.Cr., Ph.A., CPP
2005 Chris Becker, M.Photog.Cr., Ph.A., CPP
2004 Bob Hawkins, M.Photog.Cr., MEI, Ph.A. CPP
2003 Rick Krebsbach, M.Photog.Cr., Ph.A., CPP
2002 F.Alan Adams, M.Photog.Cr., Ph.A., CPP
2001 Fred Fiddelke, M.Photog.Cr., Ph.A., CPP
2000 Walt Stutzman
1999 Charles Lee, Ph.A.
1998 Don Collinson
1997 Michael Geary
1996 Leo Zeithamel, Ph.A.
1995 Gerald Crabtree, M.Photog., CPP
1994 Norma Wangsness, M.Photog.Cr., Ph.A.
1993 Al DeWild, Ph.A., CPP
1992 Tom Brown
1991 Larry Loth, M.Photog.Cr., Ph.A.
1990 Gerald Kleene, Ph.A.
1989 Martha Chisman
1988 JoAnn Belling, M.Photog.Cr., Ph.A.
1987 Sara M. Fishman, M.Photog., Ph.A.
1986 Faye Walton
1985 James Buckroys, M.Photog.
1985 Gerald Crabtree
1984 Bernard Jons, CPP
1983 Thomas Belling, M.Photog.Cr., Ph.A.
1982 C. Richard Guillaume
1981 Jim Noble, CPP
1980 C.F. Kent
1979 Marvin Burk, Cr., Ph.A.
1978 Richard Mueller
1977 Bill Fuller
1976 Eugene Strathman, Ph.A.
1975 Fritz Logeland
1974 William S. Duree, M.Photog.Cr.
1973 Gene Chisman, CPP
1972 Jake Thorson, M.Photog.
1971 Donald Lohnes N, M.Photog.Cr.
1970 Kay Isaacson M.Photog.Cr.
1969 John Amborn M.Photog.
1968 Kermit Buntrock-Duane Salie, Cr.
1967 Robert Eaton
1966 Loren Chisman
1965 Tom Henning
1964 Lyle Taylor, M.Photog.
1963 Harold Johnson, M.Photog.
1962 Fred Smith
1961 Harry Prinze
1960 Scotty Anderson
1959 Winton Medlar M.Photog.Cr.
1958 Roland Townsend

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